Bonneville Chess Team

Dates and Times TBD for 2023-2024

Room TBD

SignUp Required

Coordinator: Lauren Barlow

Teacher Sponsors: Ms. Sellin, Ms. Noble


Detailed Information:


Hello Parents, 

We are excited your child is interested in chess!  The Bonneville Chess Team is being operated and instructed by parents, with teacher sponsorship by Ms. Sellin, and Ms. Noble, and support from Principal Culley and Assistant Principal Felsted.  Our goals are to gather kids interested in chess once a week to provide compatible level play as well as instruction.  


We have two parents that have volunteered to instruct but we are looking to add one more instructor.  If you are a chess player and can point out openings, we would love to have you!  The commitment could be as minimal as every other week if that is best for you.  


Here is how we are planning to establish the logistics for the chess team.  Please know that this is a work in progress and we might need to make adjustments as we go along.  Thank you for your support and patience.  


In order for us to have a manageable kid-to-parent/instructor ratio, we will be capping chess team attendance at 30 students.  Parents will need to sign up their child for participation via SignUp Genius.  



The chess team will be Thursdays after school from 3:20-4:00.  We want to establish this SignUp Genius system so that we can know who to expect at 3:20 and return all those kids to their families at 4:00.  If your child is committed to attending chess team every week, you are welcome to sign them up for now through December.  We will take attendance based on the SignUp Genius and if your child has missed two weeks where they were signed up for that day, but didn’t attend, we’ll reach out to you.  Mostly, we just want to avoid people signing up and holding spots (assuming there are more than 30 kids that are interested) but then not showing up.  If you have signed up for your child and then the day before, or even the morning of, you realize your child can’t attend, that is fine!  Just remove their name from the SignUp Genius, which takes just 30 seconds.  


Regarding drop off and pick up:

Please tell your child to exit the school from their class’ normal location and walk to the flag pole to meet up with the chess team.  If your child would like to eat a snack as the kids gather outside that is fine.  Once we enter the building together they will not be permitted to eat because it will be too messy and a distraction to playing chess.  We will take roll at the flagpole and then walk up to room 233 as a group.  

For pick-up, we will lead all the kids out to the flag pole at 4:00.  Please meet them there if you are picking them up.  Unless we hear otherwise, we will release the kids to walk home.  If you have a kindergartener or younger child that you would like to stay with us until you arrive, please let us know and we can make sure that happens.  


Other info:

If you would like to stay with your child during chess team, we will have some chairs set up in the hallway nearby where the kids are playing.  

Given that we’ll only meet for 40 minutes, please avoid picking your child up before 4:00 pm.  If your kid needs to be somewhere at 3:50 one Thursday, just don’t sign them up for chess that day.  

Thanks for your support!  Please reach out to Lauren Barlow if you have any questions or concerns.

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