We hope that all Bonneville parents will find a way to become involved this school year. Without volunteers, none of Bonneville’s community events and student programs would be possible. Through volunteering, friendships are formed and community ties are strengthened. Your contributions are appreciated.
Click on buttons below to volunteer or see our committees and events.
If you have questions or would like advice to find a spot that fits your season of life, reach out to our volunteer coordinator, Gina Duncan at ginaduncan@gmail.com.
Being part of a committee might mean you do a small portion of the committee work or simply act as a sounding board for ideas. You can always decide how much time/effort you feel comfortable offering. Just join in and contribute what feels right to you.
Costs incurred as part of PTO committee duties are available for reimbursement. Use the PTO Reimbursement Request form.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Monday, March 24