Thursday, Sept. 26th
Chairs: Meghan Powers & Jackie Krasne
The annual BONNEVILLE FUN RUN IS THURSDAY, SEPT. 26TH. Please see the Fun Run schedule for your child’s warm up times (please note the class start times are different this year). Come cheer on your child and if you can’t be there, try to send another friendly face in your place. The kids love seeing their fans cheering them on as they run!
The Fun Run is the PTO’s big fundraising event of the year. In the next two weeks, we ask that your student solicit neighbors, friends and family (don’t forget out-of-town family) for donations in support of their upcoming run. The funds they raise go to the Bobcat Fund, supporting our specialized science and art teachers’ salaries. This year your student also has the option to sell our Bobcat Discount Card. Your student will come home with the donation sheet and envelope today. Students can collect donations via cash, check or venmo. Two students from each grade will be awarded a prize (one for the student with the most donors and one for the student with the highest total dollar amount). Every class that returns all their envelopes (even blank envelopes count) will receive popsicles.
Make sure your student records every donor, whether they buy a discount card or donate towards the Fun Run, on the sheet so we can count their efforts and record the correct totals for your child. Cash and check donations should be placed in the envelope. All envelopes/donation sheets must be turned into their teacher by Wednesday, Sept. 25th. All envelopes/pledge sheets returned after Sept. 25th at 9am will not be counted towards class or individual prizes. The PTO will distribute Bobcat Discount Cards to students for them to distribute to their donors after the Fun Run.
We understand that gathering donations might not work for your family. We appreciate all efforts and contributions in any form.
On the day of the Fun Run, it’s best if your child is well rested and has had a healthy breakfast. Please send your child to school in appropriate clothing and shoes for running or walking. Fun Run t-shirts will be distributed to all students the morning of the Fun Run and they will be invited to change into them before they start. There will be water stations for students along the route, as well as refreshments at the end. Parents should spread out along the route so students feel encouraged throughout the run. Afterward, please join your students on the south side of the back field as we celebrate their grade’s successful run.
We need plenty of volunteers to help make this event a success, including class pacers to run with each grade and route monitors to cheer and ensure safety along the route. To volunteer, please email
To celebrate students’ effort in running and fundraising, the PTO is hosting a Fun Run Fest the night of the Fun Run. (This will be Bonneville’s fall party and take the place of the Fall Fest.) All students, families and neighbors are invited to the back field for the Fun Run Fest on Thursday, Sept. 26th beginning at 6pm. We will have food trucks with food for purchase and free games and activities. At sundown, we will begin the movie on the lawn.
Sept. 25 |
9am |
Donation sheets/envelopes returned to teachers |
Sept. 26 |
9am |
Fun Run warmups begin (see Fun Run schedule) |
6pm |
Fun Run Fest dinner and activities |
7:30pm |
Movie begins |
We plan on having a great time and getting exercise, all while raising money for our great school! We thank you in advance for your support.
*Other participation options and opportunities are available. If you have concerns about your child walking or running the course, please discuss these options with your child’s teacher or contact
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Monday, March 24