Composting Program

Committee Chair: Amber Schiavone,

Quick Link: SignUp for the composting program!


Thank you to our food waste Volunteers at Bonneville! Since last October the kids have composted over 8,000lbs of food! You can see our monthly diversion report below:


We need you! Please see if there are any lunchtimes you can join the kids in the cafeteria. The signup sheet has been updated through the end of the year. Volunteers are needed for one hour every day and the kids would love to see you and show you what they have been working on!

Bonneville Elementary has partnered with Wasatch Recovery Program to divert cafeteria food waste from the landfill to create natural gas and fertilizer. Students will get hands-on experience learning about the food waste cycle and thinking about the food and trash we discard in a whole new way. We need volunteers to help students separate their waste into "food" or "trash." The food waste is collected from the school by Momentum Recycling. Please sign up for a certain lunchtime when you can direct students in separating their waste, interact with the kids, and help get this program off the ground. SignUp here


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